Progress and flexibility
The human resource is the heart of the enterprise and Training is the tool that ensures the competence and thus growth and flexibility.
Medilink designs and implements training programs aimed at training, retraining and upgrading of the personnel of the companies clients by providing, if necessary, instruments dedicated to the control of such actions. Medilink for the organization and implementation of career guidance and training activities operates in compliance with its own certified management system UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Code EA37. Medilink also provides and organizes technological support in all operating modes (on-site, on-center and e-learning). In particular, the on-site courses are organized according to the needs of the customer by allocating classrooms with “formula car” and accompanying services “all inclusive”, providing technological support in accordance with the time schedules. In the delivery of training and / or guidance, Medilink uses a variety of methods, including:
Training on the job, or practical application, in juxtaposition, the content of the training object, resulting in constant adaptation of the worker to the ever changing needs of the market. Is the on-field experience that best allows you to gain practical skills and immediately usable.
Solutions for E-Learning (ODL). In this context, methodological Medilink has a consolidated experience, and is able to set up platforms for the provision and management of e-learning (LMS), and to design and develop multimedia learning objects with SCORM delivery engine owner.
Training interactive front, with the introduction of systems for collaborative learning and assessment of skills, with the help of digital devices and software solutions proprietary application dedicated.
Training classical front, the effectiveness of which is guaranteed by the professionalism of highly qualified teachers in the field for which intervene.
Blended Solutions, which is the winning methodology in recent years, in which he organizes a mixed front-FAD, taking the best of both worlds.
In addition, Medilink developed software applications for client-server applications, to design, control and reporting Automatic vocational training projects, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation (definition and configuration of the actions, interventions, chart of accounts appointments, check-list of documents, printing contracts, logbooks, newspapers spending, digital document storage, automatic generation teaching calendar, task management, reporting on economic reformulated-aged-billed-paid, etc.).